Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.5... Confirmed

So Red/Blue had yellow, Gold and Silver had Crystal and Emerald was the same to Ruby and Sapphire. Now, with the latest DS iterations of the "Longest Running Fad in History.TM" already becoming multi-trillion selling bombs around the world, it looks as though the twins will be getting their customary spin-off that has become a constant in the Pokemon timeline.

Just a rumor for now, and there's no information aside from a reported 2008 release for Japan, but wasn't something like this always a given?

Interestingly, the rumour didn't specify a name for the game, and with Nintendo having already used up pretty much all feasible colours and precious gems for subtitles, it has left many a forum monkey coming up with possible ideas, already spanning from "Opal" to "Poo Brown".

Stay tuned for more info.


It seems the title has now been confirmed as Pokemon Platinum. It's expected to hit Japan this Autumn. Source is, but thanks go to N-Europe for bringing it up.

1 comment:

AwesomePlatter said...

Thanks for updateing.